April 3, 2024
Planning & Regulatory Advisory
Ashby Close Industrial Facility

The site is located in the Forrestfield/High Wycombe Industrial Precinct which is a newly formed industrial hub catering for logistic and transport based industries. The Precinct is supported by detailed design guidelines that mandate high quality design and delivery of buildings that positively contribute to the public realm and urban design outcomes of the Precinct.

The proposed development consists of 13,000m2 of industrial, office and showroom area, 206 car parking spaces and will provide a landmark industrial facility for over 200 employees.

Element Advisory was appointed to provide ongoing planning advice and manage the development application process through the JDAP. This included engagement with statutory agencies, presentation to the City of Kalamunda’s design review panel and providing assistance to the project manager to coordinate a consultant team. Key project considerations included the buildings interface with the streetscape, mitigation of noise to remnant residential properties and ensuring the design of the facility balanced functionality whilst achieved the detailed requirements of the design guidelines.

Element Advisory assisted Bruce Rock Engineering in collaboration with the project manager (Parametric) to achieve a timely development approval with unanimous support from the JDAP members. This development approval will enable the construction of a contemporary landmark industrial facility for the area.